Stanabol is a drug belonging to the groups of anabolic steroids. The main advantage of using this particular drug is that it does not aromatize and, as a result, does not cause many side effects. The scope of application is quite diverse. The drug is used in medicine to treat burns, to speed up the rehabilitation period after severe injuries, in cosmetology. Also, it has gained great popularity among athletes who represent such sports that require great power output, endurance and speed.

Description of Stanabol

Stanabol is produced by the well-known pharmaceutical company British Dragon , whose preparations are well known for their quality and effectiveness in the world of big sports. Release form – tablet or injection. The overall effect does not depend on the form. The injections have no toxic effect on the liver. Also, unlike other steroid drugs, Stanabol is not an oil solution, but a suspension. The main active ingredient – stanazolol , which is the main component Winstom roll . The concentration of the substance is 50 mg / ml. Full details on the link:

Winstrol is renowned for its fast, albeit short-term, effects. The short half-life requires frequent administration of the drug. To achieve results, the reception of Stanabol must be organized every two days.

You can buy Winstrol from British Dragon exclusively in sports pharmacology online stores , which specialize in the sale of sports nutrition and pharmacology. In order , to the use of the drug did not cause irreparable harm to the body, it is necessary to acquire only proven, proven product quality and service vendors. The price of Winstrol British Dragon Winstrol cannot be low, in which case this is the first signal that the proposed drug is a fake.  

Storage conditions – dark and dry place, at room temperature, out of reach for children and pets.

The effect of using Stanabol

Winstrol’s reviews from British Dragon are predominantly positive. Athletes who have already taken the course note a significant increase in strength, endurance and speed literally a few hours after the injection. The use of the drug promotes the accumulation of calcium in the body, which is necessary with constant and heavy physical exertion. A properly organized course of admission will guarantee that the athlete will receive the following positive effects:

  • burning of subcutaneous fat;
  • increased appetite;
  • preventing the accumulation of fluid in the body;
  • decreased globulin levels;
  • muscle relief and vascularity ;
  • increasing the level of endurance and strength indicators;
  • a set of quality dry muscles.

How to use Stanabol

An athlete who decides to take a Stanabol course needs to know how to take Winstrol from British Dragon correctly in order to achieve maximum results. Stanabol injections can be organized both as a solo course and in combination with other anabolic steroids.

Combinations paired with long medications such as deca, methane, sustanon or primobolan will give an excellent mass-gaining result. Also, pairs with short steroids such as testosterone propionate , trenabolone , boldenone or dubol are possible . Stanabol is a multipurpose drug, therefore, with various combinations, you can achieve a set of lean muscle mass. To do this, it is necessary to inject every three days at a dosage of 50 mg, together with strong mass – gaining drugs, which will lead to a watery muscle structure.         

The British Dragon Winstrol course is considered expensive because it requires frequent administration of the drug. But in combination with other steroids, you can achieve good results and gain quality dry mass. For example, paired with Primobolan (400-500 mg) or Boldenone (600-800 mg). Source:

Also, Winstrol promotes weight loss and removes excess fluid from the body, allows you to maintain muscle mass and gives strength during heavy physical exertion. To do this, use Stanabol 50 mg once every three days along with testosterone propionate . Before the competition, the Stanabol solo course is popular in a dosage of 100-200 mg per day, which allows you to give relief and a cross-section effect on the body.

Contraindications to the use of Stanabol

Despite the fact that the drug is considered safe for use, the use is contraindicated for representatives of the beautiful half of the sports arena, since this can lead to the development of the virilization effect. Viril syndrome is characterized by such manifestations as coarsening of the voice, increased hair growth, a change in the proportions of the body and face in a male pattern.

Post cycle therapy

At the end of the course with steroid drugs, mandatory restorative therapy is recommended, the purpose of which is to bring the whole body in order and restore the level of production of its own hormones. In order , to recover and remove the steroid from the body, it is necessary to organize a course antiestroegenov such as clomiphene or tamoxifen .

Side effects of Stanabol

Professional athletes say that it is quite safe to buy British Dragon Winstrol in Canada, take a course of the drug. He passes without symptoms of any side effects. But when the dosage is violated or the duration is exceeded, Stanabol manifests itself on the other hand and can have the following consequences:

  • increased cholesterol and blood pressure;
  • painful sensations in the joints, due to the elimination of fluid;
  • myocardial hypertrophy;
  • irritability;
  • sleep disturbance.